
Showing posts from 2015

JJ Abrams Directing Style Breakdown - Director Genetics

JJ Abrams Directing style Breakdown : Director Genetics  want to know how to direct like JJ Abrams? Do you like Alias? Do you like Star Trek? How about Lost? How about Star Wars ? How about Mission Impossible? Gosh darn it you are hard to please  look we all know that Feleisey is the best and most well known show in the world.. But apparently he has directed other things as well? So we need to talk about him and get the word out so we can eventually get the Felisty Movie. So today we are breaking down his style from the Good to the Bad to the In-between.

The Baby Cries - Stageplay Sept. 2012 - CASA 0101 Theater


How the new "Star Wars" begins

How the new "Star Wars" beginsPreviously unseen footage from 60 Minutes' profile of J.J. Abrams, director of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" Previously unseen footage from 60 Minutes' profile of J.J. Abrams, director of "Star Wars: The Force View More: Overtime Original News | Live News | More News Videos

Composer John Williams records the opening music for "The Force Awakens"

Image J.J. Abrams was 11 years old when he saw "Star Wars" for the first time. Like countless kids, he was mesmerized by the epic tale of good versus evil set in a galaxy far, far away. Little did he know that one day he'd be handpicked to write and direct the seventh film in the series, "The Force Awakens," which opens this week. John Williams Composer John Williams, 83, who created the original film's iconic score and has worked on every "Star Wars" since. In the video above, he records the opening music for "The Force Awakens." View More: Overtime Original News | Live News | More News Videos

Inarritu on Directing The Revenant | Four More Directors on the Decline of "Middle-Class Films," Facing Retirement | The Hollywood Reporter

INARRITU  With Leo [DiCaprio], I said: "I would love to see you fragile, vulnerable, to see the man that can be broken." And he was very excited about it. And he transformed himself physically. He went on a diet, he let his hair grow to here, a beard that was almost like Santa Claus. What I like is, he is not only an actor, but his comments come from a filmmaker's point of view. He understands the film. And Leo has this internal rhythm that is just like a machine, like something that is blending things. And I was very impressed by that.

Star Wars The Force Awakens IMAX Behind The Frame Featurette


The Jungle Book Official US Teaser Trailer


Disney's The BFG - Teaser Trailer

Roald Dahl's The BFG was first published in 1982 and has been enchanting readers of all ages ever since. Roald Dahl's books, which also include Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach and Matilda, are currently available in 58 languages and have sold over 200 million copies worldwide. The BFG is the only book of Roald Dahl's that has never been adapted into a feature film. Originally created as a bedtime story, The BFG was Dahl's own favorite of all his stories. "It was very important for us to be loyal to the language," says Steven Spielberg, "and the great writer Melissa Mathison, who also wrote E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, wrote "The BFG." The BFG opens in U.S. theaters on July 1, 2016, the year that marks the 100th anniversary of Dahl's birth. We have the first teaser trailer a photo from the movie featuring Ruby Barnhill and a picture of Walt Disney and Roald Dahl hanging out together. Check it out. Read more at: ...

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Featurette - Legacy (2015) Mark Hamill


The Hateful Eight Featurette - Ultra Panavision (2015) - Quentin Taranti...

The Hateful Eight Featurette - Ultra Panavision (2015) - Quentin Tarantino Movie HD In post-Civil War Wyoming, bounty hunters try to find shelter during a blizzard but get involved in a plot of betrayal and deception. Will they survive?

Believe In Your Project - How to be a Producer


Star Wars The Force Awakens C-3PO & R2-D2 meet BB-8 | official O2 Priori...


Why George Lucas steered clear of "Star Wars" sequels




The Bearded Trio: George Lucas Explains Why He Quit Big Budget Movie...

The Bearded Trio: George Lucas Explains Why He Quit Big Budget Movie... : George Lucas has explained why he will never direct another Star Wars movie in a new interview with Vanity Fair .  The retired Star Wars ... George Lucas Explains Why He Quit Big Budget Movies. George Lucas has explained why he will never direct another Star Wars movie in a new interview with  Vanity Fair .  The retired Star Wars director said: “You go to make a movie and all you do is get criticized, and people try to make decisions about what you’re going to do before you do it...Y’know, it’s not much fun, and you can’t experiment; you can’t do anything. You have to do it a certain way. I don’t like that, I never did. I started out in experimental films, and I want to go back to experimental films, but of course no one wants to see experimental films.” I feel sorry for the director after hearing this.  Was he bullied in some way into retirement of commercial movies by the G...

Ixcanul - Trailer Oficial (ESP) | Director Jayro Bustamante | Country: Guatemala Production (2015)

Synopsis Filmed almost entirely in the Kaqchikel dialect spoken in Guatemala’s coffee-growing highlands,  Ixcanul  dramatizes the story of María, a young Mayan woman who is promised to the coffee plantation foreman, despite her desire for a lowly coffee cutter named Pepe. Dreaming of absconding with Pepe to a romanticized vision of the United States, María eventually has the encounter with modernity she so yearned for, but not for the reasons she had hoped. In addition to the impressive naturalistic performances from the film’s non-professional cast,  Ixcanul ’s visuals are extremely powerful, with radiant bronze skin tones, textured interiors, and the requisite breathtaking landscapes. Andrew S. Vargas /

Breathless: How World War II Changed Cinema


How Can Middle Class Filmmakers Make a Living? | By William Dickerson | Indiewire

How Can Middle Class Filmmakers Make a Living? Via By William Dickerson | Indiewire October 26, 2015 at 11:00AM "I am the 99 Hollywood."  The income disparity in this country, which is the worst it's been since 1928, mirrors the current budget disparity between studio films and independent films. While the former has been recognized publicly as an epidemic, the latter has reached epidemic proportions; however, it's an issue that has been largely, if not entirely, ignored by those inside and outside of Hollywood. While the middle class in our society has disappeared, so has the middle class in the world of filmmaking.

Editing as Punctuation: How 'Punctuation Marks' in Film Have Innovated Storytelling

Max Tohline  takes a hard look at editing through a very unconventional and brilliant metaphor inspired by a  Kathryn Schultz article in Vulture : editing as punctuation. 

Most People Are Afraid To Follow Their Passion, Even For One Year

Most People Are Afraid To Follow Their Passion, Even For One Year by Jean Leggett CONNECT WITH JEAN LEGGETT LinkedIn -

Creative Spark: Rick Carter | Production Designer "Forrest Gump", "Avatar", "Jurassic Park"

Production Designer Rick Carter ("Forrest Gump", "Avatar", "Jurassic Park") takes viewers inside his creative process in an exploration of where ideas come from.

The Editing Genius of Steven Spielberg Editor Michael Kahn

The Editing Genius of Michael Kahn Michael Kahn is one of the most successful film editors in the business. Here’s an in-depth look at his legendary career. Top Image: Steven Spielberg and Michael Kahn via  Empire Magazine The most interesting thing about legendary editor  Michael Kahn  isn’t that he started by editing  Hogan’s Heroes , or that he became  Steven Spielberg ‘s go-to editor. No, the most interesting thing about Kahn is that he never really wanted to be an editor in the first place. He began his journey working in a New York mailroom and slowly moved up the ladder to become an apprentice. He advanced to assistant editor and finally head editor of the classic television series  Hogan’s Heroes . From there his career shot off like a rocket. Let’s take a detailed look at his classic career, one that made  Edgar Wright  say: We were shown a montage of Michael Kahn’s credits. It was possibly the most epic, daunting and...

Composing a Film Score (Part 1): an in-depth look (Logic Pro X)


Steven Spielberg: Bridge of Spies

Steven Spielberg: Bridge of Spies FULL TALK (59:50): Director Steven Spielberg discusses his latest film,  Bridge of Spies , with Director Martin Scorsese. Steven Spielberg:  Bridge of Spies October 7, 2015 A DGA Q&A in New York An honorable attorney is thrust headlong into the murky world of Cold War espionage in Director Steven Spielberg’s biopic,  Bridge of Spies . Spielberg’s historical drama tells the amazing true story of James Donovan (Tom Hanks), a New York lawyer who accepts the unenviable task of defending Rudolf Abel, a Russian spy captured in America. After Abel is convicted, Donovan’s task becomes even more complicated as he’s drafted by the CIA to negotiate the release of U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers, who was shot down over the Soviet Union during a mission in his U-2 spy plane, whom the Soviets may be willing to exchange for their man Abel. Following the DGA membership screening in New York on October 7, Spielberg had a conver...

The Baby Cries | October 9th, 2015 at the | Tampa Bay International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival!

The Baby Cries will be playing Friday October 9th, 2015 at the Tampa Bay International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival! — at The Hotel Zamora. Check out the interactive 2015 Tampa Bay International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival Schedule.  Source:  2015 TIGLFF Schedule | TIGLFF

Nancy From East Side Clover | Sacramento International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival

Nancy From East Side Clover - Trailer from L.A. A Queer History on Vimeo . Nancy From East Side Clover | Sacramento International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival Source:  Nancy From East Side Clover | Sacramento International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival Nancy From Eastside Clover/  L.A. A Queer History  is headed up to the Sacramento International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival next weekend! Congrats  Gregorio Adam Davila ! Thank you Nancy Valverde!   Film Bliss Studios Growing up poor, Chicana, a woman, and a lesbian in mid-20th century East L.A., Nancy Valverde’s life was a constant uphill battle. Now at age 83, Nancy’s defiance and resilience to maintain her identity as a Chicana butch lesbian has garnered her legendary status in the L.A. queer community. Nancy From East Side Clover Location: Sacramento, CA Venue: Crest Theater Time: 7:30 PM OCT 09, 2015

LA Doculink Meeting: Fundraising for the Documentary! Meet the Funders 8...

I've been involved in writing grant applications for two years, some successful, some not so successful. Part of writing applications is doing research on what grant foundations like CalHumanities, Sundance Documentary Grant and The Fledging Fund are looking for. No application is like the next, so you are constantly tweaking you narrative...your pitch, so that it resonates with organization's mission. I have a long list of fund granting institutions but not all are good fits for my current round of applications. If you are pursuing the grant funding route, make sure you do your homework and be prepared to rewrite extensively. Don't stop until you meet your first goal. You can do it! For starters check out this video from LA Doculink Meeting called "Fundraising for the Documentary! Meet the Funders". It's from 2012, so it's a little dated, but the information is useful. Good luck documentary filmmakers!

Spielberg lines up a shot of Tom Hanks on the set of Bridge of Spies.

Spielberg lines up a shot of Tom Hanks on the set of Bridge of Spies.

Why Writing High-Concept Comedy is All About Truth, Love and Understanding - Script Magazine

Why Writing High-Concept Comedy is All About Truth, Love and Understanding - Script Magazine Why Writing High-Concept Comedy is All About Truth, Love and Understanding By:  Jon James Miller  |  June 2, 2015             Jon James Miller is a screenwriter, novelist and frequent online presenter. His first novel, a historical fiction based on an original screenplay, will be published Spring 2015. For more information, go to:  Follow Jon on Twitter  @jonjimmiller . Click to tweet this article to your friends and followers! Recently, comedian Jerry Seinfeld was asked what he thought the most important ingredient to comedy was, and he responded with one word: structure. And after writing several comedy scripts of my own I couldn’t agree more. This seems especially true of the high-concept comedy. That rare breed of screenplay that lives or dies by a writer’s ability to milk a comedic ...

Industry Legends: Film Editor Michael Kahn

Uploaded on Feb 15, 2011 Michael Kahn celebrates his 75th birthday with three new films coming out this year coming out of his cutting room. Associated with Steven Spielberg since the started working together on Close Encounters of the Third Kind in 1976, Kahn has taken home 3 Oscars and a parade of other awards an nominations. He & Spielberg are known as the last converts to digital editing and just this last year Kahn gave up his Moviola for an Avid as Spielberg directed his first digital movie, The Adventures of Tintin. 

Submitting to Sundance: 5 Things That Will Help (and 5 That Won’t)

Submitting to Sundance: 5 Things That Will Help (and 5 That Won’t) For about one third of the independent filmmaking community, the last few weeks of September are the most pressure-packed weeks of the year. Why? Because filmmakers are rushing to finish their films before the final Sundance Film Festival deadline. The other two thirds of them either submitted last year or they’re looking to submit next year. To ease some of the stress, Sundance Film Festival Senior Programmer Kim Yutani and Shorts Programmer and Manager of the Native and Indigenous Program Adam Piron sat down with Film Independent Members to answer questions and clear up a few lingering misconceptions about submitting to Sundance. Here are five things they said won’t help your film get into the festival and five things that will.

Finding New Footage for Walt Disney Documentary | American Experience . WGBH | PBS

Finding New Footage . Walt Disney . American Experience . WGBH | PBS As an Associate Producer for Sarah Colt Productions, my job changes day to day. One day I might be traveling with our Director to an interview shoot and helping our Cinematographer set up lights and camera equipment. Another day I might be scouring books for facts that will be crafted into narration lines. On  Walt Disney , much of my time was dedicated to the enormous task of finding the archival footage that would bring Walt Disney's story to life.

Our film The Baby Cries is headed to Florida!

Our film The Baby Cries is headed to Florida! Tampa Bay International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival on October 9th 2015!

YouTube Channel: The Baby Cries directed by Mario J. Novoa


He will go on taking and taking, until one day the World will say, 'I am no more and I have nothing left to give.'" Apocalypto (2006)

"I saw a hole in the Man, deep like a hunger he will never fill. It is what makes him sad and what makes him want. He will go on taking and taking, until one day the World will say, 'I am no more and I have nothing left to give.'" Apocalypto (2006) Storyteller(Esperidion Acosta Cache)

YouTube Channel: The Baby Cries directed by Mario J. Novoa


William Friedkin & Scott Cooper on 'Black Mass'

Black Mass is the riveting true story of James "Whitey" Bulger—the brother of a state senator and the most infamous violent gangster in the history of South Boston—who became an FBI informant to take down a Mafia family invading his turf. In this episode of VICE Talks Film, legendary filmmaker William Friedkin (The Exorcist, The French Connection) sits down with Black Mass director Scott Cooper to talk about the complexities of the film's chilling true story and Johnny Depp's acting transformation into the ruthless sociopath. Black Mass hits theaters everywhere on September 19. Click here to subscribe to VICE: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: More videos from the VICE network: Like VICE on Facebook: Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our Tumblr:

Walt Disney | American Experience | WGBH | PBS

Walt Disney . American Experience . WGBH | PBS Part One of "Walt Disney" explores the complex life and enduring legacy of Walt Disney, from his early days creating Mickey Mouse through the triumph of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". As dramatist you always want to be able to make the greatest impact through story, and I think that Disney's intuition to introduce these stories to younger audiences was carrying on a tradition through the use of fairy tales and morality tales in a new medium. If you look at the success of these films, it is because the stories of these characters ran so deep, that it resonated with children and adults. Terrifying yes, but always redemptive.I have yet to feel the same about any current slate of Disney produced material...with the exception of UP.

What Everyone Does on a Film Set | Filmmaker Magazine

What Everyone Does on a Film Set | Filmmaker Magazine For those new to physical production, here is a list of film set departments, with notes on their staff positions, responsibilities, benefits and attractions. (This is a companion piece to  “The Seven Arts of Working in Film: A Necessary Guide to On-Set Protocol. ) Production  Personnel includes: Unit Production Manager, Production Coordinator, Production Secretary, Office PA’s, Assistants to Directors & Producers.  Responsibilities: Organization, preparation, wrap, taking care of actors, producers, director, financiers. Join this department if you like: Working on a movie without being chained to a set, knowing everything that’s going on, solving problems, aka fielding constant complaints.  Favorite game: Choosing a new person to hate every day.

Fears Filmmakers Have Hiring An Entertainment Attorney by Michael C. Donaldson | Film Courage


IN DREAMS: The Art of David Lynch

A master filmmaker David Lynch seduces us with light, sound and unique psychological visions. Lynch takes on a deep subversive world beyond the surface, shattering perceptions of every day American life. Take a look at this beautiful montage capturing David Lynch's film career...and yes, that is David Lynch singing in the opening. David Keith Lynch  (born January 20, 1946) is an American film director, television director, visual artist, musician, actor, and author.

Popular Movies That Stole Their Plots From Other Films


MARTIN SCORSESE: Tribute Montage to a Master

Filmography from Wikipedia [ edit ] Main article:  Martin Scorsese filmography Title Release date Studio Budget Gross Rotten Tomatoes Who's That Knocking at My Door November 15, 1967 Joseph Brenner Associates $75 thousand N/A N/A Boxcar Bertha June 14, 1972 American International Pictures $600 thousand N/A N/A Mean Streets October 2, 1973 Warner Bros. $500 thousand $3 million 98% [146] Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore December 9, 1974 $1 million $21 million 95% [147] Taxi Driver February 8, 1976 Columbia Pictures $1.3 million $28 million 98% [148] New York, New York June 21, 1977 United Artists $14 million $13 million 67% [149] Raging Bull December 19, 1980 $18 million $23 million 98% [150] The King of Comedy February 18, 1983 20th Century Fox $19 million $2 million 91% [151] After Hours September 13, 1985 Warner Bros. $4.5 million $10.6 million 90% [152] The Color of Money October 17, 1986 To...