Nancy From East Side Clover | Sacramento International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival

Nancy From East Side Clover - Trailer from L.A. A Queer History on Vimeo.
Nancy From East Side Clover | Sacramento International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival

Nancy From Eastside Clover/ L.A. A Queer History is headed up to the Sacramento International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival next weekend!
Congrats Gregorio Adam Davila! Thank you Nancy Valverde!  Film Bliss Studios
Growing up poor, Chicana, a woman, and a lesbian in mid-20th century East L.A., Nancy Valverde’s life was a constant uphill battle. Now at age 83, Nancy’s defiance and resilience to maintain her identity as a Chicana butch lesbian has garnered her legendary status in the L.A. queer community.
Still image from film, Nancy From East Side Clover

Nancy From East Side Clover

  • Location:Sacramento, CA
  • Venue:Crest Theater
  • Time:7:30 PM
OCT 09, 2015

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