
Showing posts from 2013

The Bearded Trio: George Lucas Inspirational Speech On His Education...

The Bearded Trio: George Lucas Inspirational Speech On His Education... : In this video, George Lucas gives a rather inspirational speech to entrepreneurs.  He explains how he didn't do well at school and w...

The Baby Cries - Test Screening Lessons

The Baby Cries - Test Screening Lessons  By Director Mario J. Novoa Why would you test screen a short film? Some people wouldn't because it takes time, money, a screening room, a list of questions to ask and courage. This past summer I was able to screen The Baby Cries five months after the first cut was completed. After re-watching several cuts with trusted colleagues, I needed to get a fresh set of eyes and opinions. While you get a sense of how well the audience likes the film by the reactions, nothing prepares you for written notes. The purpose is to hone in on what is not working: a joke, gag, dramatic rhythm, etc. As a writer I try to be aware of what might work on the page, and as a filmmaker I try measure how the words translate for an audience in front of a movie screen. It's akin to a performer gauging their delivery in front of a live theater audience. I received some interesting insights from the audience and reconsidered some of my approaches as the edito...

Infographic – How to Write a Scene in 11 steps |

Infographic – How to Write a Scene in 11 steps |

Analysis of the Hitchcock Style: THE SOUND w/ Spielberg's Sound Designer...

Analysis of the Hitchcock Style: THE SOUND w/ Spielberg's Sound Designer...

Analysis of the Hitchcock Style: THE SOUND w/ Spielberg's Sound Designer...

Analysis of the Hitchcock Style: THE SOUND w/ Spielberg's Sound Designer...

Movie Studios Committed to Scale Over Substance Blockbuster Films | Variety

"The belief that blockbusters alone represent a sound investment strategy is in itself driving up the cost of blockbusters as well as superstars. While business strategists traditionally have argued for diversification, the new mandate is to avoid niche product because the niches are getting narrower." Movie Studios Committed to Scale Over Substance Blockbuster Films | Variety

POV's 2013 Documentary Filmmaking Equipment Survey | POV | PBS

POV's 2013 Documentary Filmmaking Equipment Survey | POV | PBS

Do You Have to be Unhappy Now if You Want to be Successful Later? by James Clear

"Most of us, at some point or another, think that we will be happy once we achieve a particular goal. I’ll be happy after I… graduate from college make a million dollars get married lose 40 pounds get a job …and so on." Read the rest for some inspiration

Danny Elfman's Incredible Concert of Tim Burton Film Music: Our Review

Danny Elfman's Incredible Concert of Tim Burton Film Music: Our Review

Karen Anzoategui's Ser! Goal!

"Anzoategui’s knack for instant character shifts --James Brown-esque Dad, tight-lipped Mom, Corleone-flavored and Emmett Kelly-tinged brothers, soccer idol Diego Maradona and more -- is self-evident and formidable.",0,6972745.story#ixzz2loEMkWPf ¡Ser! - Photo by Ed Krieger

GREETINGS FROM THE TRENCHES: How a Successful Producer Developed Her Philosophy | Film Independent

GREETINGS FROM THE TRENCHES: How a Successful Producer Developed Her Philosophy | Film Independent

"The film studios are all now subdivisions of huge multinational corporations" John Landis

Several film directors like George Lucas , Steven Spielberg and now John Landis , have been vocal about the state of the film studio system in Hollywood. New digital filmmakers like myself see ample opportunity for a new entertainment business model, but many people still have this perception that it is business as usual. Many would love for the old ways to return, especially filmmakers who hoped to make a studio film "one day". The Internet has opened new avenue to reach your target market by using an Internet marketing plan and direct distribution to all those seeking niche films. As you'll read in this article, the Internet has create undefined space for the old guard and new upstarts. While Landis describes the systems and echoes of the old studio system, think about the endless possibilities you have as a new (not necessarily young) filmmaker, storyteller and entrepreneur.   "The film studios are all now subdivisions of huge multination...

Spielberg and Lucas on the Tentpole Studio Implossion

Image Both see “quirky” or more personal content migrating to streaming  video-on-demand , where niche audiences can be aggregated. “What used to be the movie business, in which I include television and movies … will be  Internet television ,” said Lucas.

Stock Footage: All about it!


GREETINGS FROM THE TRENCHES: How an indie filmmaking duo perfected the pitch that scored an ABC development deal | Film Independent

GREETINGS FROM THE TRENCHES: How an indie filmmaking duo perfected the pitch that scored an ABC development deal | Film Independent

How To Write An Awesome Movie, According To Some Of Hollywood's Best Writers

An interesting perspective on the process of writing from the "doers". Great read.  How To Write An Awesome Movie, According To Some Of Hollywood's Best Writers

Alison Owen on Disney's Saving Mr. Banks

Seldom do you hear a movie producer talk about the personal side of filmmaking. Not only does Alison Owen talk about her life, but goes deep into her experience as a filmmaker. Owen also talks about the the state of studio films and the internet. Excellent read.  “The story unfolding on the screen elicits a powerful response and brain chemicals of well-being and yumminess like Oxytocin floods your body and you float into the realm of the imagination. Oxytocin is sometimes called the ‘love hormone’ or the ‘connection chemical,’ and it is the job of the storyteller to get this stuff flowing round your body and ambushing your responses.”


Steven Spielberg

Shooting Guerilla Style (At Your Own Risk): The 8 Tips You Need to Know

Check out some great tips on shooting your film without causing your film shoot to be canceled. Bottom line, plan everything out on paper first.

A John Lennon Fav on his B-Day: Rosie And The Originals - "Give Me Love"


Film Composer Francois de Roubaix

Image In the 1980's, Nickelodeon ran a children's show called Pinwheel. My little brother watched countless hours of this show and as a result, so did I. Pinwheel featured a stop-motion french segment called Chapi Chapo (which I became obsessed with) about two little kids who got into mischief in a world of toys and blocks. The most endearing and annoying part of this show was that the kids were constantly laughing!  So fast forward a few decades, I'm still think about the music on Chapi Chapo. What was it about the music that stood out? It wasn't just the show's musical intro but it was also the music that played throughout the show. It was rich and varied, and it was quite moving. The melody and harmony (played with a synthesizer and other electronic instruments) captured some deep moods that I found hauntingly sentimental. Perhaps I began understanding music differently at this age becuase of my introduction to cho...

Danny Elfman on KROQ's Kevin and Bean Show


The Bearded Trio: Citizen Steve (1987) - Steven Spielberg 40th Birth...

The Bearded Trio: Citizen Steve (1987) - Steven Spielberg 40th Birth... : 40th birthday celebration of the greatest Hollywood director of this or any other generation, Steven Allan Spielberg. Parody of Orson ...

What Can We Learn from Coppola's Indie Studio American Zoetrope?


The Chinese Theater 3.0?


Danny Elfman's Music Come to Los Angeles

I saw this post this morning on Tim Burton's Facebook page. I'm looking forward to this concert. Danny Elfman's music really touches my heart.,0,2774981.story

Listening to the masters: Scorsese and Coppola

Image My ears were popping with joy upon listening to the Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese interview conducted by Geoffrey Gilmore. The interview was conducted in 1997 and all three filmmakers shared insight into the film industry at that time as well as where they thought the industry was going. They also talked about their own approaches to film techniques and cultivating new material. Enjoy!

@popfilmz: The Real-life Film Actors that inspired iconic Dis...

@popfilmz: The Real-life Film Actors that inspired iconic Dis... : The Real-life Film Actors that inspired iconic Disney Cartoon Characters | Messy Nessy Chic Messy Nessy Chic

Incredible Behind-the-Scenes Images


Composer John Williams to compose the music for the next three Star Wars films


The Bearded Trio: Comparing the Soundtracks of Superman: The Movie a...

The Bearded Trio: Comparing the Soundtracks of Superman: The Movie a... : Slashfilm have produced this video comparing the Superman soundtracks of John Williams and the recent Man of Steel soundtrack from Hans ...

NatGeo U.S. Surname Map


Scorsese on Film

Martin Scorsese Talks Movies Lover of cinema? Let one of the masters, Martin Scorsese take you on a journey of Hollywood cinema.


"There is no experience, no broken relationship, no childhood memory, no part-time job and no tragedy that is wasted on you. It all culminates into one beautiful composition of experience, motivation and purpose. This is the way great dreams are born into the world".

Forget What You Know: Jacob Barnett at TEDxTeen


Hollywood is Still the Place!

Here's a video I directed featuring the new  # lamayor   @ ericgarcetti Eric Garcetti Directed by Mario J. Novoa

The Miracle of Tony Davis: Update

Today we head out on our last day of production for The Miracle of Tony Davis. We will be recording a voice over with academy award winning actor, Louis Gossett Jr. It is an honor to be working with such a talent. Director Donre Walker and actor Monte James will be collaborating with Mr. Gossett on the climax of the film, The Miracle of Tony Davis. More updates to come.

The Real-life Film Actors that inspired iconic Disney Cartoon Characters | Messy Nessy Chic Messy Nessy Chic

The Real-life Film Actors that inspired iconic Disney Cartoon Characters | Messy Nessy Chic Messy Nessy Chic

Creating Content for a Global Audience - Producer Kathleen Kennedy


Amazon Studios launches free storyboarding tool


La Migala - Short Film Review

La Migala a masterful short, takes on a revolution through one man's self inflected torture as he lets a venumous spider roam in his small shuffled apartment. The camera technique reveal layers of complexity inside this tiny apartment. Revelations show insights of a man destined to keep himself on his toes and ridled with fear, while giving his life meaning and purpose. He longs for life and love as we are shown his interest to a particular woman we never meet. It is through her narrative that we experience his dissent and crescendo, leading us to face his fears. The spider teases us while it manifests our character's greatest fears and desires. Director Jaime Dezcallar's La Migala shows prowess and restraint, as he takes on a psychological journey, reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock's use of the camera.

15 Tips for Producers from the Cannes Film Festival

Learn how to adapt.  The business is changing constantly. There are new forms, new audiences and new markets. It’s easy to get wedded to your old models, the way things used to be, whether that’s range of budget, mode of production or even the final form of the work itself. But I spoke to three producers who have web series, apps and other new media projects in their portfolios as well as feature films. About the need to be flexible, Corkin said on my panel, “The past models are in the past.” In other words, move on.

David Meerman Scott: How to prepare and deliver a TEDx talk


I Luv to Sing With The Beatles

At about 11p as the party seems to dwindle down everyone gets fired up when the Wii Rock Band comes out. The Beatles Rock Band on Wii lets everyone sing some of their best tunes. Although not a professional singer myself, you can usually see me really let lose on a drive in my car or at home on Rock Band. There's nothing like singing lyrics that move and excite you. For me it's a matter of being transported somewhere else and feeling the thrill of jamming to music. Everyone does it, even if they can't carry a tune. I'm guilty of trying to hit some high notes myself, but for the most part I do pretty well. Twist and Shout always rips my throat apart, I don't know how John Lennon hit those high notes, but I am glad he did.

“That’s part of your problem, you haven’t seen enough movies. All of life’s riddles are answered in the movies.” Grand Canyon (1991) Davis(Steve Martin)

16 Recommendations For Filmmakers To Discover Best Practices For A Sustainable Creative Life | Truly Free Film

16 Recommendations For Filmmakers To Discover Best Practices For A Sustainable Creative Life | Truly Free Film

How the Battle Over 'Star Trek' Rights Killed J.J. Abrams' Grand Ambitions

Image "Why would that be attractive to an artist who sees beyond the boundaries of the silver screen to envision a true multi-platform narrative all based on a global franchise?”

Cannes Jury President Steven Spielberg Admits to Not Being Familiar With All Directors Up for Palme d'Or | Filmmakers, Film Industry, Film Festivals, Awards & Movie Reviews | Indiewire

Cannes Jury President Steven Spielberg Admits to Not Being Familiar With All Directors Up for Palme d'Or | Filmmakers, Film Industry, Film Festivals, Awards & Movie Reviews | Indiewire

The Career Coach

Check out this post about being a professional and the importance of creating an environment where there can be mutual respect and benefit. Great words of advice from The Career Coach! The Career Coach: <!--[if gte mso 9]> 0 0 1 525 2999 lafs 24... : Professionalism, why is it important? What does it mean to be an entertainment industry professional? What does it...

The Shot List: Director Mario J. Novoa on The Baby Cries

The Shot List As much as you prepare your shot list, diagrams and storyboards, the challenge is to make changes that enhance your original concepts. During rehearsals you find the rhythm with the actors and the environment. Director of Photography Dan Cotreau and I worked for weeks to build the right list and make sure we captured the best performances. Sometimes that list worked and sometimes if didn't, so we improvised based on how the actors owned their environment  Shooting 14 pages in one day was incredibly difficult, but the preparation made all the difference. Designing the shots and lighting helped a great deal, and made the experience the most enjoyable experience I've ever had as a director. 

The Miracle of Tony Davis on the set


The Miracle of Tony Davis Production Still


Happy Mother's Day


The Baby Cries Teaser Trailer

This is a teaser of my short film The Baby Cries. The Baby Cries is being developed for a feature, web-series and multi-media production. We hope you enjoy the teaser.

Mapping hate speech: homophobia and racism on twitter

Mapping hate speech: homophobia and racism on twitter | News |

17 Things About The Film Biz That Should Significantly Influence Your Behavior « nofilmschool

17 Things About The Film Biz That Should Significantly Influence Your Behavior « nofilmschool

The Baby Cries this week in Dublin, Ireland!

Image I’m sure there are many babies crying in Ireland, but not like mine. This story is about two gay dads raising their newborn daughter while trying to reconnect with their own parents. This story is about love, faith and hope for LGBT people who are trying to mend ties with their family. This story is based in part of my own experience as a father while trying to reconcile with my parents many years ago. This week my little baby will be shown to an international  audience with a cast and crew from Los Angeles. They’ve arrived in Ireland and are prepping for an all week performance. I am So grateful that my play The Baby Cries is part of the International Dublin Gay Theater Festival in Dublin, Ireland this week! The play is part of 6 play anthology for Brown & Out. Congrats to the cast MJ Silva, Martin Morales, Andres Solorzano and Carla Vega who are in Ireland already. Break a leg guys!

The Art of Asking: Amanda Palmer @ TED

Image Ted never ceases to amaze me. Whenever I need to pick up some inspriation or knowledge, I turn to TED for a dose of great energy. These are the best teachers in the world. The ones that move us, encourage us and give us a chance to step inside ourselves and reflect. In this video Amanda Palmer takes us on a journey across her life experience as a performer and the giving souls she has encountered along the way. Check out this heartwarming video presentation at TED. Thanks Dan Cotreau for the link!

The Miracle of Tony Davis


Brian Pacheco: How the Son of Immigrants Came Around on Immigration

Brian Pacheco: How the Son of Immigrants Came Around on Immigration

SFIFF: Steven Soderbergh Says Art Of Cinema Is Under Attack From The Studios, Decries Profit Driven Decision Making | The Playlist

“The executive ecosystem is distorted because executives don’t get punished for making bombs the way filmmakers do.” Steven Soderbergh SFIFF: Steven Soderbergh Says Art Of Cinema Is Under Attack From The Studios, Decries Profit Driven Decision Making | The Playlist

A New Hope: San Francisco Film Society's New Director Sees the Bay Area Changing the Way Movies are Made - Page 1 - Movies - San Francisco - SF Weekly

A New Hope: San Francisco Film Society's New Director Sees the Bay Area Changing the Way Movies are Made - Page 1 - Movies - San Francisco - SF Weekly

The End of TV as We Know It & The Rise of Transmedia by Matt Doherty

The End of TV as We Know It & The Rise of Transmedia by Matt Doherty

Watch Depeche Mode Perform ‘Broken’ In-Studio « The World Famous KROQ

Watch Depeche Mode Perform ‘Broken’ In-Studio « The World Famous KROQ

The Creative Tornado: The Ins & Outs at J.J. Abrams Bad Robot Productions

The post-production team at Bad Robot talk about their workflow on several TV and Film projects. They discuss new changes in Avid and their process for working as team.

Why We Launched BOND360 And What It Offers Filmmakers | IFP

Why We Launched BOND360 And What It Offers Filmmakers | IFP

Mindhole Blowers: 20 Facts You Might Not Know About Jurassic Park

25 Best Tv Episodes Guide

Easter Morning

Creating on canvas on Easter morning with some cool friends.