The Baby Cries this week in Dublin, Ireland!

I’m sure there are many babies crying in Ireland, but not like mine. This story is about two gay dads raising their newborn daughter while trying to reconnect with their own parents. This story is about love, faith and hope for LGBT people who are trying to mend ties with their family. This story is based in part of my own experience as a father while trying to reconcile with my parents many years ago. This week my little baby will be shown to an international audience with a cast and crew from Los Angeles. They’ve arrived in Ireland and are prepping for an all week performance.
I am So grateful that my play The Baby Cries is part of the International Dublin Gay Theater Festival in Dublin, Ireland this week! The play is part of 6 play anthology for Brown & Out.
Congrats to the cast MJ Silva, Martin Morales, Andres Solorzano and Carla Vega who are in Ireland already. Break a leg guys!

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