Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished?

6 Famous Artists Talk About What It’s Like to Overcome Fear and Create Beauty Fear Tells Us What We Have to Do Start Small Run to the Roar Artists Endure The Bottom Line Contribute to the world around you. Create and share the brilliance that you have inside of you. Life is not meant to spent solely consuming the things that others have made. by James Clear — Get free updates of new posts here Long before I was publishing articles for the world to read, I wrote in a private document. I did this for more than a year. There were a variety of reasons and excuses that I used to rationalize why I wasn’t sharing my writing with others, but in many ways it boiled down to fear. Here’s what I didn’t realize at the time: fear isn’t something that must be avoided. It is not an indicator that you’re doing things wrong. Fear is simply a cost that all artists have to pay on the way to doing meaningful work. Obviously, not everything that is thought or written or created needs t...