Master Class In Crowdfunding & Film Distribution - Full Interview w/ Emily Best (SEED&SPARK CEO)

Having run successful and unsuccessful film crowdfunding campaigns, I found the information in this interview extremely valuable...beyond just crowdfunding, but business development and filmmaking. Emily Best outlines film and marketing strategies that can help you from inception to distribution. Probably one of the foremost experts on contemporary indie filmmaking, Emily Best (CEO of Seed & Spark), delivers essential strategies to help your film endeavors thrive! 

Published on Jan 18, 2015
00:00 - 1 Out Of Every 250 Movies Receives A Distribution Deal
02:55 - The Story Behind SEED & SPARK
07:43 - Why Most Filmmakers Fail At Crowdfunding
10:35 - An Independent Filmmaker Is Always Crowdfunding
15:44 - The #1 Reason Why Someone Invests In A Movie
22:25 - First Steps To Building A Social Media Audience For Filmmakers
29:21 - Filmmakers, Stop Making Horrible Crowdfunding Pitch Videos
34:12 - First Steps Toward A Successful Crowdfunding Campaign
46:05 - How An Unknown Filmmaker Without An Audience Raised $57,000 On SEED&SPARK
54:07 - What The Future Of Distribution On SEED&SPARK Looks Like For Filmmakers
59:37 - Future Of Filmmaking & Distribution
1:08:18 - When A Filmmaker Ends Up In A Bad Distribution Deal


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