
Showing posts from December, 2013

The Bearded Trio: George Lucas Inspirational Speech On His Education...

The Bearded Trio: George Lucas Inspirational Speech On His Education... : In this video, George Lucas gives a rather inspirational speech to entrepreneurs.  He explains how he didn't do well at school and w...

The Baby Cries - Test Screening Lessons

The Baby Cries - Test Screening Lessons  By Director Mario J. Novoa Why would you test screen a short film? Some people wouldn't because it takes time, money, a screening room, a list of questions to ask and courage. This past summer I was able to screen The Baby Cries five months after the first cut was completed. After re-watching several cuts with trusted colleagues, I needed to get a fresh set of eyes and opinions. While you get a sense of how well the audience likes the film by the reactions, nothing prepares you for written notes. The purpose is to hone in on what is not working: a joke, gag, dramatic rhythm, etc. As a writer I try to be aware of what might work on the page, and as a filmmaker I try measure how the words translate for an audience in front of a movie screen. It's akin to a performer gauging their delivery in front of a live theater audience. I received some interesting insights from the audience and reconsidered some of my approaches as the edito...

Infographic – How to Write a Scene in 11 steps |

Infographic – How to Write a Scene in 11 steps |

Analysis of the Hitchcock Style: THE SOUND w/ Spielberg's Sound Designer...

Analysis of the Hitchcock Style: THE SOUND w/ Spielberg's Sound Designer...

Analysis of the Hitchcock Style: THE SOUND w/ Spielberg's Sound Designer...

Analysis of the Hitchcock Style: THE SOUND w/ Spielberg's Sound Designer...

Movie Studios Committed to Scale Over Substance Blockbuster Films | Variety

"The belief that blockbusters alone represent a sound investment strategy is in itself driving up the cost of blockbusters as well as superstars. While business strategists traditionally have argued for diversification, the new mandate is to avoid niche product because the niches are getting narrower." Movie Studios Committed to Scale Over Substance Blockbuster Films | Variety

POV's 2013 Documentary Filmmaking Equipment Survey | POV | PBS

POV's 2013 Documentary Filmmaking Equipment Survey | POV | PBS

Do You Have to be Unhappy Now if You Want to be Successful Later? by James Clear

"Most of us, at some point or another, think that we will be happy once we achieve a particular goal. I’ll be happy after I… graduate from college make a million dollars get married lose 40 pounds get a job …and so on." Read the rest for some inspiration