
Showing posts from November, 2013

Danny Elfman's Incredible Concert of Tim Burton Film Music: Our Review

Danny Elfman's Incredible Concert of Tim Burton Film Music: Our Review

Karen Anzoategui's Ser! Goal!

"Anzoategui’s knack for instant character shifts --James Brown-esque Dad, tight-lipped Mom, Corleone-flavored and Emmett Kelly-tinged brothers, soccer idol Diego Maradona and more -- is self-evident and formidable.",0,6972745.story#ixzz2loEMkWPf ¡Ser! - Photo by Ed Krieger

GREETINGS FROM THE TRENCHES: How a Successful Producer Developed Her Philosophy | Film Independent

GREETINGS FROM THE TRENCHES: How a Successful Producer Developed Her Philosophy | Film Independent

"The film studios are all now subdivisions of huge multinational corporations" John Landis

Several film directors like George Lucas , Steven Spielberg and now John Landis , have been vocal about the state of the film studio system in Hollywood. New digital filmmakers like myself see ample opportunity for a new entertainment business model, but many people still have this perception that it is business as usual. Many would love for the old ways to return, especially filmmakers who hoped to make a studio film "one day". The Internet has opened new avenue to reach your target market by using an Internet marketing plan and direct distribution to all those seeking niche films. As you'll read in this article, the Internet has create undefined space for the old guard and new upstarts. While Landis describes the systems and echoes of the old studio system, think about the endless possibilities you have as a new (not necessarily young) filmmaker, storyteller and entrepreneur.   "The film studios are all now subdivisions of huge multination...

Spielberg and Lucas on the Tentpole Studio Implossion

Image Both see “quirky” or more personal content migrating to streaming  video-on-demand , where niche audiences can be aggregated. “What used to be the movie business, in which I include television and movies … will be  Internet television ,” said Lucas.

Stock Footage: All about it!


GREETINGS FROM THE TRENCHES: How an indie filmmaking duo perfected the pitch that scored an ABC development deal | Film Independent

GREETINGS FROM THE TRENCHES: How an indie filmmaking duo perfected the pitch that scored an ABC development deal | Film Independent