
Showing posts from November, 2015

The Hateful Eight Featurette - Ultra Panavision (2015) - Quentin Taranti...

The Hateful Eight Featurette - Ultra Panavision (2015) - Quentin Tarantino Movie HD In post-Civil War Wyoming, bounty hunters try to find shelter during a blizzard but get involved in a plot of betrayal and deception. Will they survive?

Believe In Your Project - How to be a Producer


Star Wars The Force Awakens C-3PO & R2-D2 meet BB-8 | official O2 Priori...


Why George Lucas steered clear of "Star Wars" sequels




The Bearded Trio: George Lucas Explains Why He Quit Big Budget Movie...

The Bearded Trio: George Lucas Explains Why He Quit Big Budget Movie... : George Lucas has explained why he will never direct another Star Wars movie in a new interview with Vanity Fair .  The retired Star Wars ... George Lucas Explains Why He Quit Big Budget Movies. George Lucas has explained why he will never direct another Star Wars movie in a new interview with  Vanity Fair .  The retired Star Wars director said: “You go to make a movie and all you do is get criticized, and people try to make decisions about what you’re going to do before you do it...Y’know, it’s not much fun, and you can’t experiment; you can’t do anything. You have to do it a certain way. I don’t like that, I never did. I started out in experimental films, and I want to go back to experimental films, but of course no one wants to see experimental films.” I feel sorry for the director after hearing this.  Was he bullied in some way into retirement of commercial movies by the G...

Ixcanul - Trailer Oficial (ESP) | Director Jayro Bustamante | Country: Guatemala Production (2015)

Synopsis Filmed almost entirely in the Kaqchikel dialect spoken in Guatemala’s coffee-growing highlands,  Ixcanul  dramatizes the story of María, a young Mayan woman who is promised to the coffee plantation foreman, despite her desire for a lowly coffee cutter named Pepe. Dreaming of absconding with Pepe to a romanticized vision of the United States, María eventually has the encounter with modernity she so yearned for, but not for the reasons she had hoped. In addition to the impressive naturalistic performances from the film’s non-professional cast,  Ixcanul ’s visuals are extremely powerful, with radiant bronze skin tones, textured interiors, and the requisite breathtaking landscapes. Andrew S. Vargas /

Breathless: How World War II Changed Cinema


How Can Middle Class Filmmakers Make a Living? | By William Dickerson | Indiewire

How Can Middle Class Filmmakers Make a Living? Via By William Dickerson | Indiewire October 26, 2015 at 11:00AM "I am the 99 Hollywood."  The income disparity in this country, which is the worst it's been since 1928, mirrors the current budget disparity between studio films and independent films. While the former has been recognized publicly as an epidemic, the latter has reached epidemic proportions; however, it's an issue that has been largely, if not entirely, ignored by those inside and outside of Hollywood. While the middle class in our society has disappeared, so has the middle class in the world of filmmaking.

Editing as Punctuation: How 'Punctuation Marks' in Film Have Innovated Storytelling

Max Tohline  takes a hard look at editing through a very unconventional and brilliant metaphor inspired by a  Kathryn Schultz article in Vulture : editing as punctuation.