From Hollywood To Homeless: The Writer Of JASON X And DRIVE ANGRY On Screenwriting On The Edge | Badass Digest

From Hollywood To Homeless: The Writer Of JASON X And DRIVE ANGRY On Screenwriting On The Edge | Badass Digest

Sometimes it's the little things. I have a beautiful daughter. And I love writing. I've been truly blessed. I'm a writer. That's a stunning thing considering I'm a dork from Kentucky. Does not compute! Still to this day, writing this... I have goosebumps. I'm a writer. And have been since 1996. All my life, though, really. My first three years I wrote under contract but have been lucky enough to get one job a year since, give or take a few rough years. That one job would pay off the credit cards and refill the coffers, which would buy time to sell or get the next job. A necessary cycle in the roller coaster of the working screenwriter. High highs and low lows but what a beautiful adventure! 

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