Saving Private Ryan, Edward Burns Recalls Working With Spielberg For The First Time. Had Zero Feedback For Two Weeks. | The Bearded Trio

Saving Private Ryan, Edward Burns Recalls Working With Spielberg For The First Time. Had Zero Feedback For Two Weeks. | The Bearded Trio

 He recalls Tom Hanks leaning in and whispering to him to calm down ("I've seen you act before, and this isn't acting!" he claims Hanks said). Yet despite several uncomfortable takes, Spielberg offered zero feedback, which terrified Burns.
 "Most directors would have stepped in after my first botched take, offered some notes, and inadvertently rattled my confidence. But this wasn't Steven's approach with us. He allowed us several takes to figure things out for ourselves. So much that he didn't provide any direction for almost two weeks. We did our scenes in two or three takes and then moved on. No feedback. No nothing. The cast figured he hated what we were doing and speculated which one of us would be fired first." 

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