Failed Paths Leads to Opportunities

The once fulfilling path now looks like a crumbling treacherous one. On that path, failure has taken you to a lonely dead-end road. Failure is that moment you look around and you see desolation and abandonment.

But does failure also bring you to a new beginning? Does is provide you an opportunity to reset your endeavors?

As one who has had many, many failures, I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on the new possibilities. Take a moment to remember the path you wanted to take and find a way to reconstruct or reinvent that path. It sounds simple and yet we know the complexities of what that means. Figure out your prospects and continue on the new path, because the new path will be better than the journey you started on.

My friend Kristen Wair forwarded this insightful THR article by Noah Hawley, creator of the tv show "My Generations". TV writer-producer Noah Hawley shares his insight and experience in the "business".

Why a Failed Pilot Actually Means Success (Guest Column)

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